Monday, November 29, 2010

It's Over!

My dearest readers, I am closing down this blog and re-directing you over to my newly re-done website and blog all-in-one:

Gulp.  As I designed the website myself, this feels a bit like standing with my pants around my ankles hoping you think my underwear is cute.  But the good news is that I can write a statement like that and not worry what kind of wackos show up from Google searches of underwear and ankles because I won't be here.

On the new website you can:

1.  View the blog, past, present and future.  Yes, it's all there.  No one gets left behind (who remembers Billy Blazes??)

2.  All of the blog recipes are organized by title on their own Recipe Index page.  You're welcome.

3.  You can get more free health handouts and resources, with even more being added soon.

4.  You can purchase recipe e-books.  There is only one up now, but more to follow.

5.  You can purchase my 30-Day Detox as an e-book.

6.  You can subscribe to the blog via email so you'll always know when I post something new.

7.  You can learn about all of my programs, upcoming events and even find out what my favorite splurge foods are (that's your Where's Waldo challenge item).

8.  You can communicate with me directly by commenting on the blog or sending me a note through my contact page.

9.  You can sign up for a free 20-minute phone or Skype health consultation!

All and all, I think it'll be a pretty great time for all of us.

I ask just one thing.  I did this website for YOU, to serve you and to help a much wider audience get healthier, eat better and live happier lives.  So if there is something that does not work:  layout issues, pictures not loading right, broken links, or if you order something and don't get it or have a problem with the process, PLEASE let me know so I can fix it!  And if you do like what you see, forward it to your friends, your family, your boss, your neighbor.

And with that, Bye-Bye Blogger!  And Blogger, I sincerely hope this is the last time I will EVER have to log out of gmail just to log into my blog because your petty jealousies and control issues or whatever your deal was.  I have found someone new and his name is wordpress...

Come on over.


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